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Special Needs Child Abuse Questionnaire

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At the time of the alleged incident, who was your child’s teacher?

Who was your child’s alleged abuser at the school?

What type of abuse did your child experience?
Did you report the incident to any of the following?

If you told anyone above about your child’s abuse, what steps were taken by the school, if any? What was their reaction? Was there anything done?

Did you notice any changes in your child's behavior after the incident occurred?

Is there anything else you would like to share about your child’s experience with abuse?

Where there any witnesses to the alleged abuse? If yes, please provide information about these individuals.

Did you seek any medical or psychological care for your child following the alleged abuse? If yes, please provide information regarding the type of medical or psychological care received.

If medical or psychological care was received, please provide the name and address of each of the medical providers

The PF Law Firm represents parents and guardians of children who suffered abuse at their school. We understand the sensitive nature of these cases and work closely with our clients to obtain just compensation and require the school districts to undertake action to prevent other children from being abused in the future.

If you have any questions or require additional information about this case, please don't hesitate to get in touch with attorney Anastasia Palivos.

Portrait of Anastasia Palivos

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