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Camp Lejeune Questionnaire

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Marital Status

Legal Status

Is the client deceased or otherwise do you have power of attorney for them?

Is the Client Deceased or Grantor of Attorney?

Have you or your relation hired a lawyer connected with Camp Lejeune or your/their injuries?

Previously Hired a Lawyer?

About Your Time at Camp Lejeune

Did you ever live or work at Camp Lejeune, or were you stationed there at any point?

Ever Live, Work, Stationed at Camp Lejeune?

Why were you at Camp Lejeune?

Why at Camp Lejeune?

Date you began living or working at Camp Lejeune, or best guess:

Date you stopped living or working at Camp Lejeune, or best guess:

In which location(s) did you live or work while at Camp Lejeune?

Locations Lived or Worked at Camp Lejeune?

Did you come into contact with the tap water while working or living there?

Come into Contact with Tap Water

Medical Information

Were you diagnosed with any of the following?

Medical Diagnoses

Please provide your diagnosis date(s) and briefly discuss your health issues:

Please state what documentation you have that discusses your diagnosis:

Treatment and Healthcare

For the health problems listed in the previous section, please provide:

Were there additional medical facilities you went to?

Additional Medical Facilities?

Did you have any surgeries as a result of your health problems?

Any Surgeries?

What type of surgery? Or, if unknown, what was the surgery done to correct?

Have you taken medications for your health problems?

Any Medications?

Do you have government-affiliated health care coverage?

Have Govt. Health Coverage?

Do you have or have you had health insurance?

Have Health Insurance?

Were you ever diagnosed with the same medical condition before you were at Camp Lejeune?

Prior Diagnosis?

Please describe anything else we should know, or anything you think is important that you weren’t able to address in previous sections:

If you have any questions or require additional information about this case, please don't hesitate to get in touch with attorney Anastasia Palivos.

Portrait of Anastasia Palivos

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