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Aqueous Film-Forming Foam Exposure Questionnaire

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Background Information

Please enter the information of the affected person:


Are you a member of the International Association of Firefighters Union?

Member of International Association of Firefighters Union?

Are you a member of any other unions?

Member of Other Union?

Are you a member of a local union?

Member of Local Union?

Are you a professional or volunteer firefighter?

Professional or Volunteer Firefighter?

Are you a paramedic or first responder?

Paramedic or First Responder?

Have you retained any other attorney in about your exposure to PFAS (including firefighting foam)?

Retained other Attorney re PFAS?

Nature of Injury

Have you been diagnosed with kidney cancer?

Kidney Cancer Diagnosis?

Have you been diagnosed with testicular cancer?

Testicular Cancer Diagnosis?

Have you been diagnosed with another type of cancer?

Other Cancer Diagnosis?

Have you ever been tested for PFAS in your bloodstream?

Had PFAS Blood Test?

Work and Exposure History

How long have you been a firefighter?

Please describe your work history as a firefighter (dates, employers, job sites, and addresses):

Have you ever worked as a firefighter primarily at an airport or military base?

Firefighter at Airport of Military Base?

To the best of your ability, please list the names of the manufacturers of the turnout gear you have worn, and the dates you wore it:

Does your gear get washed or otherwise cleaned?

Was Gear Washed/Cleaned?

Do you bring your gear home or leave it at the firehouse?

Bring Gear Home or Leave at Firehouse?

Do you wear your gear for non-firefighting duties as part of your job as firefighter or first responder?

Non-firefighting Gear Worn?

Were you ever exposed to aqueous firefighting foam?

Exposed to Aqueous Firefighting Foam?

Have you filed a line of duty or worker’s compensation claim in connection with PFAS or occupational cancers?

Filed Claim re PFAS or Occupational Cancers?

Medical History

Please list the name and address of your current primary care physician:

Please list additional relevant diagnoses, other doctors seen, and appointment dates:

Prior Lawsuits

Have you ever been involved in a lawsuit?

Ever Involved in a Lawsuit?

Have you ever been involved in a worker’s compensation claim?

Ever Involved in a Worker's Comp Claim?

Requested Documents

Please collect the following documents, to the extent that you have them in your possession and it is not an inconvenience for you to locate and send, and we will request them once we have reviewed your questionnaire.

  1. Please provide a summary of the medical bills paid by you or on behalf of you (such as by an insurance company) since the date of your diagnosis. For example, some insurance companies list on their explanation of benefits the total amount paid for an insured in a policy period. Please do not contact your insurance company to obtain this information if you do not have documents at home.
  2. Please provide a summary-type medical record (often found in a discharge summary) confirming your diagnosis / diagnoses.
  3. Please provide any medical or scientific articles documenting a causal link between your diagnosis and your occupational exposure.

If you have any questions or require additional information about this case, please don't hesitate to get in touch with attorney Anastasia Palivos.

Portrait of Anastasia Palivos

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