Home > Special Needs Child Abuse Lawsuits
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Some of the most devastating and tragic events that happen every day in our country involve the abuse of children. Child abuse can leave innocent victims scarred for life, both physically and emotionally. It is very important that we protect these children, and give them a voice.

According to the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act, close to 1,000,000 American children become victims of abuse and neglect every year.

Alarmingly, every year, many children with special needs are attacked, hit and mistreated in the Clark County School District. This mistreatment often occurs at the hands of the District’s employees, teachers, teacher assistants, security guards, and drivers. Children with a disability are at least three times more likely to be victims of sexual abuse than other non-autistic children. This abuse causes life long injuries to the affected children and their families.

What Are the Five Main Forms of Child Abuse?

In Nevada, willfully injuring any minor under the age of 18 with unjustifiable mental or physical harm is considered child abuse. Intentionally committing any acts that result in a child’s physical or emotional suffering is illegal.

There are five different types of abuse cases under Nevada Law:

  1. Physical abuse
  2. Emotional/mental abuse
  3. Sexual abuse/exploitation
  4. Endangerment
  5. Neglect

There are many reasons why its important that child abuse cases are pursued. The injured children and their families can receive justice and financial compensation. Parents of a special needs child must know that their child’s school is a safe and caring environment. It also will reform the schools by forcing them to provide their employees with better training, which is necessary to take care of special needs children.

If your child, grandchild or a child you know was physically, emotionally or sexually abused by their teacher, teacher assistant, security guard or driver, please complete our questionnaire. Thereafter, we will try to help you determine what legal options and rights you have.